pipeline { agent any environment { DatabaseUrl = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'bash /var/lib/jenkins/variables/CureNet/var.sh ${BRANCH_NAME} DatabaseUrl').trim() } stages { stage('Pull') { steps { git(url: 'http://git.fufle.net/Community/CureNet.git', branch: '${BRANCH_NAME}', credentialsId: '799188a2-c281-4e4c-b78f-c82132ea792b', poll: true) } } stage('Approve') { steps { echo "http://git.fufle.net/Community/CureNet/commit/${env.GIT_COMMIT}" script { if (env.BRANCH_NAME == "prod") { echo "http://git.fufle.net/Community/CureNet/compare/prod...staging" input(message: 'Deploy to production?', id: 'A', ok: 'Yes', submitter: 'deploy', submitterParameter: 'a') } if (env.BRANCH_NAME == "staging") { echo "http://git.fufle.net/Community/CureNet/compare/staging...beta" input(message: 'Deploy to staging instance?', id: 'A', ok: 'Yes', submitter: 'deploy', submitterParameter: 'a') } if (env.BRANCH_NAME == "beta") { echo "http://git.fufle.net/Community/CureNet/compare/beta...dev" input(message: 'Deploy to beta instance?', id: 'A', ok: 'Yes', submitter: 'deploy', submitterParameter: 'a') } } } } stage('Install') { parallel { stage('Frontend') { steps { dir(path: 'frontend') { sh 'sed -i "s/-1001/${BUILD_ID}/g" src/environments/*.ts' sh 'Timestamp=`php8.0 -r "echo time();"` && sed -i "s/-1002/${Timestamp}/g" src/environments/*.ts' sh 'npm ci' } } } stage('Backend') { steps { dir(path: 'backend') { sh 'php8.0 /bin/composer install' } } } } } stage('Configure') { parallel { stage('Frontend') { steps { dir(path: 'frontend') { sh 'echo skip' } } } stage('Backend') { steps { dir(path: 'backend') { sh 'APP_SECRET=`php8.0 -r "echo md5(\\"branch=${BRANCH_NAME};\\");"` && sed -i "s/APP_SECRET=.*/APP_SECRET=${APP_SECRET}/g" .env' sh 'sed -i "s/DATABASE_URL=.*/DATABASE_URL=${DatabaseUrl}/g" .env.dev' sh 'composer dump-env dev' } } } } } stage('Test') { parallel { stage('Frontend') { steps { dir(path: 'frontend') { sh 'ng lint' } } } stage('Backend') { steps { dir(path: 'backend') { sh 'php8.0 vendor/bin/phpunit' } } } } } stage('Build') { parallel { stage('Frontend') { steps { dir(path: 'frontend') { sh 'ng b -c production' } } } stage('Backend') { steps { dir(path: 'backend') { sh 'echo skip' } } } } } stage('Deploy') { when { anyOf { branch 'prod' branch 'staging' branch 'beta' branch 'dev' } } parallel { stage('Frontend') { steps { dir(path: 'frontend') { sh 'ssh web@fufle.net touch /web/fufle.net/curenet/dev/frontend/REMOVEME' sh 'ssh web@fufle.net rm -rf /web/fufle.net/curenet/dev/frontend/*' sh 'scp -r dist/* web@fufle.net:/web/fufle.net/curenet/dev/frontend/' } } } stage('Backend') { steps { dir(path: 'backend') { sh 'ssh web@fufle.net touch /web/fufle.net/curenet/dev/backend/REMOVEME' sh 'ssh web@fufle.net rm -rf /web/fufle.net/curenet/dev/backend/*' sh 'scp -r ./ web@fufle.net:/web/fufle.net/curenet/dev/backend/' } } } } } } }